Wednesday, January 9, 2019

If My Bed Could Talk...

As part of a new foray into writing, to expand my horizons, I have decided to write more often. I also decided to write with more diversity. I found a writing prompt that simply said, "If your bed could talk, what would it say?". So I wrote a poem.

If my bed could talk, what would it say?
Would it talk about all the sleepless nights spent thinking spiraling thoughts that haunt me to the early morning hours?
Would it describe how gets sick it gets of seeing me on the dark days when I am tucked away hiding from the world?
Would it discuss all the early morning snuggles and late night giggles from little visitors?
Would it just squeak in imitation of the nights where love was found over and over?
Would it describe the moments I was too weak to get out of bed and cried because I was tired of being sick?
Would it wring out months and years of shed tears over loves lost, people missed and hard days fought?
Would it tremble with the weight of the world that slips off my shoulders as I sleep?
Would it tell tall tales of the moments I was too weak to admit the truth and too ignorant to accept it?
Would it ring my praises for thousands of loads of laundry done and still more conquered each day?
Would it whisper back the songs that soothed my soul and then shout out the lyrics to songs that caused early Saturday morning dance parties?
Would it recite my favorite books and speak of the hundreds of words read each night?
Would it tell my darkest secrets and would it keep my sweetest prayers?
If my bed could talk, what would it say?
I hope it would say, "Here lies an ordinary, but brave little soul. One who sleeps and lives and breaths. A girl who persists despite what she endures".

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