Friday, February 22, 2019


Every year (typically in the United States), most people gather around the table for Thanksgiving and discuss why they are thankful. They might be thankful for their family, for their friends, or for their career paths. Sometimes it is easy to say what we are thankful for but sometimes the answers are not as easy to come by; perhaps we are struggling in the moment or frustrated at the card of hands we are dealt. But for the most part, we give thanks.

But being thankful is more than celebrating one day. It is about being thankful for each day we are dealt.

Therefore, Day Six of Mindful is a thankfulness post. Each day we have something to be thankful for, despite the fact that each day may be hard. At the very least, we can be thankful we are alive.

Write About Ten Things For Which You are Thankful:

  • National Margarita Day and sharing it with friends.
  • Coworkers who are more than; more than people who I share 40 hours. People who I genuinely value and trust and care about.
  • Children who make me laugh, cry, and realize the value of life.
  • A warm home and cooked food to come home to.
  • Money to spend on the necessities; food, shelter, clothing, water.
  • Books; I am not sure what I would do if I could not read.
  • A career that I went to school for and one that I value, even if there are those who do not value me in the same way.
  • Family; friends who become family and extended family that I could not imagine my life without.
  • Free will; the freedom to choose my career, schooling, and the way in which I represent myself. In many countries and cultures, this is frowned upon and I am truly thankful I have a "voice".
  • Time; there are individuals who breathe their last breathe before they truly get to live their life. I know how precious time can be; how much it can make a difference. I am truly thankful for having more time to love, to live, and to breathe.

What are the things for which you are thankful?

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